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All Together Now: The Vital Role of Support Staff in Law Firms

by David Price | September 18, 2024

Support staff create a platform for success. To achieve remarkable outcomes for clients, law firms must cultivate an environment where support staff feel valued and empowered.

David Price is Head of Client Experience, at Wolferstans Solicitors in Plymouth and LawNet's CX lead.


In the bustling corridors of law firms across the UK, the spotlight understandably shines on the lawyers who champion their clients’ causes. This should come as little surprise and is well-deserved; their expertise, advocacy, and dedication are undeniably crucial. However, behind the scenes, a less visible but equally essential force propels these firms towards success: the support staff. These non-lawyers, encompassing IT specialists, administrative personnel, HR professionals, and others, are often the unsung heroes who ensure the seamless operation of the firm – creating the platform for success elsewhere.

An inspiration of mine, Simon Sinek, in his insightful discussions on leadership and organisational culture, often emphasises the importance of everyone’s contribution to a collective goal. Applying this perspective to the legal sector, it becomes clear that the triumphs of lawyers for their clients are inextricably linked to the efficiency and dedication of the support teams behind them. To achieve remarkable outcomes for clients, law firms must cultivate an environment where support staff feel valued and empowered. Here’s how…

Recognise the Power of Internal Client Service

Imagine a lawyer preparing for a crucial court appearance. Every minute counts. Now, consider the impact on their focus and productivity if they encounter IT issues that remain unresolved. Conversely, picture a scenario where the IT team swiftly and efficiently addresses any technical hiccups, allowing the lawyer to channel their energy into supporting their client. This illustrates a fundamental principle: exceptional service to internal clients – the lawyers – translates directly into exceptional service to external clients.

Quality Communication: The Bedrock of Effective Support

Just as lawyers are trained to communicate clearly and persuasively with their clients, support staff must master the art of communication within the firm. Whether it’s an IT specialist explaining a technical issue in layman’s terms or an HR professional discussing new policies, clear and empathetic communication fosters trust and efficiency. Regular check-ins, feedback loops, and transparent updates ensure that everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and enhancing productivity.

Keeping Promises: Reliability as a Cornerstone

For support staff, reliability is paramount. When a lawyer requests assistance, they need to trust that their colleagues will deliver on their promises. This is akin to a client relying on their lawyer to meet deadlines and provide timely updates. By consistently meeting expectations and following through on commitments, support staff build a foundation of trust that empowers lawyers to perform at their best.

Continuous Improvement: Embracing a Growth Mindset

Stanford Professor of Psychology, Carol Dweck, champions the idea of a growth mindset – the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Support staff in law firms should be encouraged to adopt this mindset, continually seeking ways to improve their skills and processes. Regular training, professional development opportunities, and a culture that celebrates innovation can transform a good support team into an exceptional one.

Celebrating Contributions: Recognising the Unsung Heroes

Recognition is a powerful motivator. Just as firms celebrate the victories of their lawyers, they should also acknowledge the invaluable contributions of their support staff. Whether through formal awards, public acknowledgments, or simple expressions of gratitude, recognising the efforts of support staff boosts morale and reinforces their importance to the firm’s success.


In the legal sector, delivering outstanding client outcomes requires a concerted effort from the entire team. By recognising and empowering support staff, law firms can create an environment where every colleague is committed to excellence. Great organisations prioritise the well-being and growth of all their team members, knowing that this collective strength is the key to achieving extraordinary results.

Support staff are the often-invisible force which helps to create a high-performance environment. By fostering a culture of support, communication, reliability, and continuous improvement, law firms can ensure that their lawyers – and by extension, their clients – receive the best possible service.

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